

[windows, software] 如何自定Box Sync本地端同步資料匣

使用Box雲端服務的用戶,應該有發現Box Sync同步軟體,在更新到4.0版本以後,自定本地端同步資料匣功能已經消失,在官方網站查詢後,得到的結果是4.0版,不管是Mac或Windows系統,用戶都必需自已處理,並沒有介面可操作,本身使用的是Windows XP系統,在依照官方提供的資料操作的同時,順便將步驟記錄下來。

如果已經安裝Box Sync 4.0而且已經使用帳號登入,必須先將Box Sync 4.0軟體移除,並且手動將下列資料匣刪除,如果只是安裝完成,而還沒登入帳號,直接從步驟二開始操作,在移除軟體並刪除資料匣後,必須再重新安裝,必須注意在安裝後,不能使用帳號登入,必須先按照步驟二操作,進行自定本地同步資料匣。

Windows Vista、7、8:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Box\Box Sync\
C:\Users\<username>\Box Sync\

Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Box Sync\

點擊選單「開始 → 執行」,出現執行輸入框後,輸入「regedit」指令,開啟「登錄編輯程式」。

步驟三:在登錄編輯程式裡,找到「HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > BOX > BOX SYNC」這個位置,在右邊空白處點擊滑鼠右鍵「新增 → 字串值」,新增後將字串值名稱變更為「SyncRootFolder」,並在字串值上點擊滑鼠左鍵2次,輸入數值資料,數值資料就是要自定的同步資料匣路徑。


官方說明文件:How Can I Change The Default Folder Location For Box Sync?

To set the location of the Box Sync folder in Sync 4.0, you must set the registery key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) software settings before logging in to Sync 4.0 for the first time. If Sync 4.0 has already created the Box Sync folder in the default location, you must uninstall and reinstall Sync 4.0.
If you have already installed Box Sync 4.0 on Windows and logged in for the first time, you'll need to uninstall Sync 4.0 before proceeding (see How do I install or uninstall Box Sync 4.0?). If you have not logged in to Sync 4.0, proceed to step 4.
Delete the following folders:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Box\Box Sync\
C:\Users\<username>\Box Sync\
Install Sync 4.0 (see How do I install or uninstall Box Sync 4.0?).
Once you have installed Sync 4.0 and before logging into Sync 4.0, set the folder location in the registry key:
Open Registry Edit by going to the Start menu and searching for regedit.
In the left pane, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > BOX > BOX SYNC.
In the right menu, right-click and select New > String Value. Name this new value SyncRootFolder.
Right-click the newly created SyncRootFolder value, select Modify, and set the Value data to the required location. This path can contain Windows environment variables (see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd560744%28v=ws.10%29.aspx).
Log in to Box Sync.